No matter who you are regardless of age, race, political beliefs, religion(or lack thereof) if you are reaching out for help I will provide a safe non-judgemental space for your care and always approach with a sense of curiosity and compassion.

I specialize in treating the following populations: LGBTQIA+, Ethically Non-monogamous couples, Frontline Workers/Veterans and Sex Workers.

Payment: Cash pay $200 *Superbills provided upon request*

Insurance: Aetna, United Health Care & Kaiser



If you find yourself plagued by fear due to the stigma of this diagnosis, I hope to provide you a space for you to put those fears to rest and replace them with confidence and hope.

It is crucial to recieve non-judgemental support while you cultivate the skills required to manage your symptoms. 


I am passionate about working with the LGBTQIA2S+ community and helping individuals better understand and explore their sexuality and gender identity.

As an ally I take an approach specifically tailored to you with your lived experiences in life helping to process your own unique challenges wether that is ridding yourself of religious trauma, family challenges, societal judgements etc. I want you to feel safe, loved and empowered in the person you are or are becoming.


You are safe, respected and free of judgement in this space. Stripping, webcam/phone sex and escort workers (just to name a few) are professions that experience a lot of stigma with many other layers involving inequality, traumas, relationship issues and stress.


Not every relationship can be determined by the confounds of tradition. I believe in helping individuals navigate healthy boundaries and respectful aspects of being in non-traditional relationships to help them achieve their highest potential in connecting with one another in whatever relationship style they deem serves them in life.


Do you struggle with saying “No”? Are you constantly worried about what others will think of you, or in constant fear about the state of your relationships and what happens if you can’t find a way to be “needed”?

You may have anxiety. Anxiety is sneaky and can influence life in so many different ways. We will work together to help you understand the role anxiety plays in your life and learn how to manage your symptoms to give you back the freedom in your life that you deserve. 


As a military spouse I am familiar with the emotional and mental toll that can come with constant stress of unexpected change and unknowns of military life. I provide Individual counseling to service members, frontline workers and spouses.


I hope to help you regain empowerment and security in your life wether you are a recovering people pleaser due to childhood trauma, or have experienced events in your life that have impaired your ability to function in the world with confidence and safety.

Sex Worker Trauma Therapist Nevada


in California, Nevada and Texas

I understand that your life is busy and chaotic, that shouldn’t get in the way of you making your mental health a priority. Teletherapy offers the flexibility and comfort of you being able to recieve quality care no matter where you are as long as you are able to be in a quiet, safe and private setting.

Appropriateness for teletherapy will be determined upon consultation. You can access your therapy session via smartphone, Ipad, laptop or desk top as I utilize HIPPA compliant Zoom software.


During the initial consultation we will meet for 15 minutes to discuss any questions, expectations or concerns you may have about therapy. We will both have the opportunity to share with one another and decide if we would be a good match to move forward with a therapeutic relationship. 

If we both agree to move forward, I will create a client profile for you in Simple practice and send you the intake paperwork which will need to be filled out prior to our first session together. I ask that you find a safe private space free of interruptions for each session so that we can focus soley on you without any distractions. Other than that; find a cozy chair, grab some warm tea, maybe a blanket- get comfortable and let’s get to work!